Rebirth game director Naoki Hamaguchi stresses the importance of multi-platform support for all of the games in the remake ...
Dragon Quest 11 S is back on the Switch eShop at a reduced price of $39.99. The game is also now published by Square Enix on ...
I wasn't sure what Square Enix was getting out of its collab with Magic: The Gathering, but I get it after my reaction to the ...
At the beginning of February, Square Enix temporarily removed Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive ...
You can submit your own 500 to 600-word reader feature at any time, which if used will be published in the next appropriate ...
The second Letter from the Producer Live, often known as the "Live Letter," is coming with more details about FFXIV's Patch 7 ...
Final Fantasy 7's remake trilogy was developed for the international audience in mind, as opposed to when games used to be ...
From a beloved Resident Evil title to a Dragon Ball Z adventure, here is a list of all the games leaving PS Plus in March ...