A muscle that we thought served no purpose beyond enabling some people to wiggle their ears is actually active when we are ...
Remarkable archaeological finds are telling a new story of how prehistoric humans turned clothing from a necessity into a ...
Some US states may see the number of power cuts caused by hurricanes jump by 60 per cent by 2100 in a high-emissions scenario ...
Space-time may hide a bizarre new kind of black hole that causes Einstein’s theory of gravity to fail – and could solve the ...
The neck is less than 1 per cent of the human body's surface area, but it plays an oversized role in our lives, reveals Kent ...
Various projects aim to reestablish lynx as a wild species in the UK after being absent for centuries, but those involved ...
Until recently, my vague idea of the Silk Road, the trade link from ancient east Asia to the West, was of camels crossing ...
In a barrage of executive orders, President Donald Trump has set the US on course to derail climate goals, biomedical ...
Mice that were free to scratch their itchy ears saw the number of immune cells go up and levels of infection-causing bacteria decline ...
People receiving talking therapy for mild to severe depression reported greater improvements to their symptoms when also taking creatine compared with those on a placebo ...
Burn marks left on trees show that fires occurred frequently in North America from 1750 to 1880, but they tended to be less severe than modern fires and may have even been beneficial to forests ...