To make graduation a little less stressful, we have created an event to assist you in taking care of all of your graduation needs at once, which we call Senior Salute. Pick up commencement regalia ...
Guests may park free of charge in the Tiffany Center’s parking lot, located a half block from the building. The cross streets are SW Alder Street and SW 14th Avenue. No permits are required to park on ...
Why WU? Willamette stood out to me during my application process, no other college (even those back in the UK) were as nice or helpful.
In most cases, college credits earned prior to secondary school graduation, including those earned in concurrent (or dual) enrollment programs will receive full transfer credit. For students admitted ...
When you apply to Willamette, you can decide whether your standardized test results accurately reflect your academic ability and potential. If you choose to submit them, your test scores will be ...
We respect and protect the information you share with us via the Willamette University Office of Admission web site. Information provided by you is used in one or more of the following ways: To ...