It was just after dawn when a Marine freelancing for Blackwater, the private security contractor that became a notorious symbol of the US war in Iraq, set out across the company’s training base ...
Rheinmetall's innovation ... high-energy lasers mounted on an unmanned ground system (UGS) called the Mission Master XT. For readers interested in modern warfare, I recommend checking out the ...
BERLIN - German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall said on Friday that there was no evidence to suggest that an explosion at a munitions factory in south-eastern Spain that left six people injured was ...
Milrem Robotics is looking to improve the lethality of its Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System (THeMIS) uncrewed ground vehicle (UGV), ramp up production and add an integration with uncrewed aerial ...
Das Bundeskartellamt hat grünes Licht für die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens der Rüstungskonzerne Rheinmetall aus Düsseldorf und Leonardo aus Italien gegeben. Die Zusammenarbeit der ...
Nachdem die Rheinmetall-Aktie am Montag ein neues Rekordhoch erreicht hat, legt das Papier am Dienstag eine Verschnaufpause ein. Ungeachtet davon bleibt die Nachfrage nach Rüstungsgütern hoch.
Overall, the backdrop for Rheinmetall seems to be positive with NATO allies having expanded budgets to the 2% NATO target, and in the years to come that will rise further. It should be kept in ...
More than likely, other NATO members will play a role in the patrol mission. Kristen Michal, Estonia's prime minister (left), Alexander Stubb, Finland's president (centre), and Mark Rutte ...
Neue Rheinmetall-Analyse vom 7. Februar liefert die Antwort: Die neusten Rheinmetall-Zahlen sprechen eine klare Sprache: Dringender Handlungsbedarf für Rheinmetall-Aktionäre.
Die Aktie des Rüstungskonzerns Rheinmetall steht heute – wie viele andere Rüstungsaktien auch – an der Börse unter Druck. Der Grund: Ein möglicherweise bald bevorstehendes Treffen zwischen ...
An explosion at a Rheinmetall munitions factory in Spain injured six workers, local emergency services said. The German arms manufacturer told BI that the company saw no indication of an attack.
Speaking at the European Parliament, Nato's Deputy Assistant Secretary-General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber, James Appathurai, confirmed the threat against Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger that ...