Colorado two-way football star Travis Hunter revealed some of his habits and quirks in an email interview with USA TODAY ...
A female psychologist who started dating a police officer client claimed she didn’t intend to deceive the Psychology Board ...
The mysterious codes of the adolescent social scene are tricky, especially for neurodivergent teens. Two neurodiversity ...
Is OpenAI's push for prompt minimalism with o1 advancing AI efficiency at the cost of stifling human creativity and the rich ...
Through it all, there was a sense that Harry was rebelling against an accident of birth that made him, in the harsh calculus ...
For Don A. Moore, a researcher who studies biases in human decision-making, the prominence of WAR when it comes to voting ...
Prince Harry is turning 40, the halfway point in many lives, providing a chance to either dwell on the past or look forward ...
America PAC has spent more than $30 million since mid-August to boost Trump, including on mailers targeting voters in North ...
Hours-long videos of ’80s and ’90s Weather Channel broadcasts set to vaporwave tunes are all over YouTube. They’re perfect ...
A study published in Journal of Personality & Social Psychology challenges the prevailing notion of the “gender-equality ...
Social media is helping kidfluencers - kid influencers - make a lot of money, but the real cost of fame lies in the trolling ...