Mr Syed Idrus, one of Singapore’s two horseback archers, says he loves the adrenaline rush of firing arrows at speed. Read ...
The main stage features folk orchestras and national dance ensembles from all over Kazakhstan. A large crowd is attracted to ...
The 5th World Nomad Games, held in Astana, Kazakhstan, brings together athletes from 91 countries to compete in 21 ...
It’s probably safe to say that most people, given the chance to trade their cellphone for a landline, swap out their vehicle ...
It’s probably safe to say that most people, given the chance to trade their cellphone for a landline, swap out their vehicle for a horse and buggy, or replace their washing machine with a bucket, a ...
The fifth World Nomad Games kicked off this week in Kazakhstan's capital, Astana. More than just a traditional sporting event ...
Zhanbatyr Bekmusayev, the head coach of the national audaryspak team, hailed the victories as a significant achievement, ...
We've all heard of the Olympics. But for nomadic sportspeople who traditionally compete on horseback, with bow and arrow, or ...
“We start by making sure the horse isn’t overworked,” Shaidin ... He firmly believes that no one is too old to take up horseback archery – a sport that, in his view, is accessible to ... - On the fourth day of the V World Nomad Games, Kazakhstan's team secured six gold, seven silver, and eight ...
The Argymak Equestrian Sports Complex hosted the final competition in traditional archery, known as sadak atu. The Kazakh ...
The 5th World Nomad Games are taking place in Astana, the capital city of Kazakhstan, on September 8-14, 2024. Over 2,500 ...