More interesting is their habit of hovering like a helicopter, as if tethered to an invisible string. It is the only bird of prey breeding in Ohio that hunts in this manner. In 1930, ornithologist ...
Unfortunately, the most common falcon, American kestrel, is on a downward slide ... More interesting is their habit of hovering like a helicopter, as if tethered to an invisible string.
Another hawk that can be spotted in open areas is the American kestrel, North America’s smallest falcon ... Look for a small ...
Another hawk that can be spotted in open areas is the American kestrel, North America’s smallest falcon ... Look for a small ...
Mariel Tharp took this photo of an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) that was hovering in the air in the Tehachapi Valley. Kestrels are the smallest and most colorful of North American falcons, and ...