Powerful and popular Premier Maurice Duplessis controlled every aspect of Quebec society in post-war period. (National Archives of Canada, C-9338) On February 14, 1949, 5,000 miners in Asbestos ...
Magali Picard, president of the FTQ, a construction union, compared Boulet's bill to anti-union tactics of former Quebec premier Maurice Duplessis, a Catholic conservative who was in power from 1944 ...
Premier Maurice Duplessis introduced the Quebec Padlock Act in 1937 to give police the power to seal off any property where communist literature or activity was suspected. (National Archives of ...
L’accident est survenu tôt mercredi matin à l’intersection des boulevards Maurice-Duplessis et Louis H. La Fontaine, selon la porte-parole du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal ...
The 89-year-old man was found outside the Champlain-Marie-Victorin long-term care home where he is a resident, on Marie-Victorin Street near Maurice-Duplessis Boulevard. Police received a call around ...